To clear your registration:

Download the Registration Tool Here

Please note instructions updated 11/13/2023, please read carefully.

**Chrome users, if the file does not appear to download, right click on the link and open in new window and press enter.  The file should download.

**Edge users, If you get a message that the file cannot be downloaded securely, click on the three dots next to the notice and click on keep, then keep anyway, then keep.

Please note that the filename is:  2ClearRegistration.exe.  It should be in your downloads folder.  Double-click on the file to run it.

Once you run the file, you will see a notification that says: Registration is Cleared – click on the X to exit that message.

Close the Browser and Return to the Desktop where your SpeechCAT/DigiTran/Remote Scopist/Transcriptionist/Media Controller Icon resides.

Double click on the AudioScribe software icon and you will be notified that the software is not registered or there is no hardware key present, do you want to run the registration utility now? Click on YES.

In the field called “Enter new product key” please enter the code that you received via email.

Click on “Register NOW!”

Your software is now registered.